A Bittersweet End
Dear readers,
It has been a hectic few days. As much as I'd like to chronicle the past couple of weeks of my life since Hřensko, I will have to settle for a heartfelt goodbye to my readers. On June 20th I will begin writing about my experiences during the coming month and a half of travel. Until then, the blog is ended. Prague has been so wonderful, and it feels as if my friends and the city itself have grown to be a part of me. Right now it is all being torn away, but the memories made will last a lifetime.
If you have kept up with my travels by reading my entries, I'd love a note. From the secret fan club down the hall (yes, I knew) to my aunts in Wisconsin. In July I will print out the Blog for safekeeping, and I look forward to attaching everyone's comments like the back page of a yearbook.
I love you all,

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